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Reed Diffusers

Top of the category Reed Diffusers 

39.50 € 36.00 € 39.5 EUR

Enrich your home or office with long lasting fragrance and decoration. 


Remove the product from the packaging and take the cap out by unscrewing it. Place the special sticks (included) inside the bottle and wait twelve hours for the sticks to absorb the scent, reverse the sticks and spread out to the entire environment. Reversing the sticks once a week is recommended. You may set the desired fragrance level by adjusting the sticks. Do not burn the sticks. Once you have opened the product, do not put the stopper back on. Mind the liquid on wooden surfaces and other furniture while reversing the sticks. After the recommended period of duration, sediment can appear on the bottom of the bottle and the smell begins to "bitter", which means diffuser must be replaced. Do not expose diffuser to the sun or near/over sources of heat such as radiator, furnace or air conditioner as this accelerates its evaporation.

For a good diffusion of the fragrance we recommend:

  • for rooms from 0 to 15 square meters: 1 Reed Diffuser 120 ml.

  • for rooms from 15 to 30 square meters: 2 Reed Diffusers 120 ml or 1 Reed Diffuser 200 ml.

  • for rooms from 30 to 60 square meters: 3 Reed Diffusers 120 ml or 2 Reed Diffusers 200 ml.

Different diffusers can also be combined with each other (for example Vanilla and Tobacco Leaves, Vanilla and Saffron Oud) to achieve even more intense scent.

HEMALUX d.o.o. jedini je ovlašteni dobavljač i distributer brenda Atelier Rebul za Hrvatsku, čiji je proizvođač Rebul JCR Kozmetik Istanbul, Turska. Samo za proizvode kupljene na ovlaštenim prodajnim mjestima kojima sami opskrbljujemo možemo jamčiti originalnost, kvalitetu, pravilno rukovanje tijekom transporta i skladištenja te sigurnost i svježinu formula. Ne jamčimo originalnost i kvalitetu proizvoda za sva ostala fizička ili online prodajna mjesta.