Scented candles

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Scented Candles

Top of the category Scented Candles

Atelier Rebul scented candles are made from quality vegetable sunflower wax (60%) and paraffin (40%). Vegetable wax is an organic, healthy and natural alternative to synthetic waxes, which is why Atelier Rebul scented candles usually last even longer than candles made exclusively from paraffin. Cotton wick ensures long and beautiful burning without smoke or odor. Pleasant aromas create a relaxing ambience and reduce stress, and a scented candle emits a scent in a small space even when it is extinguished.

Scented candles 140 grams lasts for 30 hours.

Scented candles 210 grams lasts for 45 hours.

Scented candles 950 grams lasts for 135 hours. 


Before each use, cut the wick 0.5 cm. Light the candle no more than 3-4 hours at a time. Burn it until the wax pool reaches the edges on first use and allow to solidify before reburning. Make sure it is cool enough before you touch and move the candle. Keep the wax clear of residue.

Burn candles in areas where you can always see them. To avoid the risk of fire, never place near flammable objects. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. Protect from drafts, air vents, heat above 30 ° C, and sunlight. Be sure to read the instructions for use before burning.

HEMALUX d.o.o. jedini je ovlašteni dobavljač i distributer brenda Atelier Rebul za Hrvatsku, čiji je proizvođač Rebul JCR Kozmetik Istanbul, Turska. Samo za proizvode kupljene na ovlaštenim prodajnim mjestima kojima sami opskrbljujemo možemo jamčiti originalnost, kvalitetu, pravilno rukovanje tijekom transporta i skladištenja te sigurnost i svježinu formula. Ne jamčimo originalnost i kvalitetu proizvoda za sva ostala fizička ili online prodajna mjesta.